METRCMajor Extremity Trauma Research Consortium

Study Participants Enrolled
as of Jan 1, 2023 (updated quarterly)

Overall enrollment across all METRC studies

Cumulative Patient Enrollment: 22,839 as of Jan 1, 2023

This consortium approach is why we are now on the path to success with research at a level we were unable to undertake before.

- Michael Bosse, Former Director of Orthopaedic Trauma at Carolinas Medical Center and Emeritus Clinical Chair of METRC

Patient Stories

Here are the stories of three individuals who suffered serious extremity trauma — and of the studies they generously chose to participate in. These and other METRC studies would have been impossible to organize without an established network of trauma centers sharing resources and benefitting from the scientific expertise of a central coordinating center.

These interviews were originally conducted in 2016 and the articles updated in 2019. If you were a participant in a METRC study and would like to be interviewed to have your story featured on this website, please contact us.